Would your organization, or would you individually, consider hosting a food drive to benefit the clients of the Meriden Soup Kitchen? As we feed an average of 150 hungry clients daily (Monday – Friday), the need for food items keeps increasing as the number of clients increases.


Please consider creating a food drive to collect non-perishable food items. A few suggested techniques:

  • Create a group to organize the food drive

  • Create a plan including publicity, a goal, a schedule for collecting, and networking with friends/company employees/club members.

  • During the drive, keep folks informed about the progress made toward the goal.

  • Deliver the food items to the MSK at the First Baptist Church, 460 Broad St., Meriden. Delivery may be made Mon - Fri between 8:30am – 10:30am.


All items should be in non-breakable packaging (no glass please).
We cannot accept any
dented cans or items that have previously been opened.

The food items we most need include (as of 6/3/2024):

  • Canned soups and broths

  • Canned vegetables (corn, peas, carrots, green beans, potatoes)

  • Crushed tomatoes

  • Instant mashed potatoes

  • Applesauce in individual serving containers

  • Elbow macaroni and other pasta (except spaghetti and lasagna)

  • Butter, Italian dressing

  • Milk in containers that don’t need refrigeration

  • Paper towels

  • Note: we currently have plenty of salt and rice on hand

However, all non-perishable foods are very needed. Please note that large size cans or cans with pop tops are much easier for our volunteers to use.


Thank you so much for considering doing this community project. For further information, please click here.